Find below some answers to some FAQ aka Frequently Asked Questions. Below are also the general terms and conditions found in a contract of mine.

Please read them through if you’re interested to work with me.

What are your rates?

Check my retainers but if you’re not in the mood to click:

My rate starts at €65 ($70) an hour for comics & illustrations and €35 ($38) an hour for research/virtual assistance.

Prices can vary depending on the kind of project. Taxes and fees are not included.

Help! I lost the files of your work!

No problemo! I save all the files of my clients and will send them to you free of charge!

Do you want to change something to it, tell me and I’ll send you the invoice for the changes that needs to be paid first.

May I use your art for profit?

The work I offer is for promotional and non-profit use only, like using it to advertise yourself or to accompany your report.

If you want to put my work on merchandise to sell, please notify me and we’ll set up a contract where I give you written permission. In exchange, I get a percentage of the profit and I will be in charge if changes are needed.

If you do not notify me and use my work for profit without my consent, it’s a breach of contract, resulting in a fine plus payment of the missing profit percentages.

I'm interested into buying the rights of your work

Contact me and we can talk about the possibilities.

Email is recommended. Send your message with a clear subject to:

sitipol.illustrations (at) gmail.com

Why are you so against NFT/AI?

I’m not against NFT/AI as a whole. At the core, the idea is good, but in its current state, it is WAY too early to use NFT/AI.
It’s mostly Generative AI I am against. 

At the moment, AI is mostly used to steal. Works of many creative professionals are just being stolen to train AI, no permission is given anywhere. Texts, art, photos. Even personal ones.

It shows zero respect for the creative industry and it’s only used to save money in the sense of stealing the jobs of artists and cutting corners where it’s not needed at all.

AI is supposed to be an enrichment to everyone. A tool to save time and money, without anyone losing their jobs. It’s not to replace people. But AI is now being used for that.

May I use your work for NFTs/AI?

Did you not read the above?

Any work between me and the client may NOT be used for any transaction involving cryptocurrency/NFTs or AI/machine learning.
Even if you’re interested in buying rights, there will be a clause in the agreement saying that any use for NFT/AI will NOT be allowed.

The question I want to ask isn't here

You’re welcome to send me a message.

You can use the form below or send it to:

sitipol.illustrations (at) gmail.com

Please use a clear subject so I know it’s a question and not spam.

General Terms & Conditions


  • Rates can be done by the hour or at a fixed price
  • When done by the hour, a payment schedule is set up. Work won’t be continued when the schedule isn’t followed
  • When doing a fixed price, payment has to be done upfront. A minimum of 50% is allowed. At the end of the project, the remaining 50% will be paid before the project will be released

General Terms of Use For Comics And Illustrations

  • Any work may not be used for any transaction involving cryptocurrency/NFTs without a written agreement
  • Any work may not be used for any AI or machine-learning tool without a written agreement
  • Work delivered is for non-profit, promotional use only, unless stated otherwise in a written agreement
  • The first rights are with the creator
  • If the client is interested in owning the full rights, a new written agreement has to be settled
  • When having an interest in commercial use, a percentage of the profits is for the creator
  • Credit will always be given/be visible
  • If changes are needed, these will be done by the creator and not a different party, unless stated otherwise in a written agreement
  • When the project is canceled before the deadline, an amount of the payment will be kept depending on the time already spent on the project and the remaining will be refunded to the client
  • When a project is canceled, the rights of the product stay with the creator, but the project won’t be used for other clients. If the client wants to continue/finish the canceled project, a new contract with an invoice will be made
  • The client isn’t allowed to use the products of a canceled project with a different party. The client first needs to buy the rights where this will be stated and permission will be given in a written agreement
  • When any of the above are broken, it’s a breach of contract and can result in a fine

General Terms Of Use For Research

  • No AI/Chat-GPT will be used to do the research
  • When the project is canceled before the deadline, an amount of the payment will be kept depending on the time already spent on the project and the remaining will be refunded to the client
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